Lau Ngai Lam Jovelle
Delightful dessert experience here! The desserts are really delicious. Absolutely recommend the tiramisu one. I think the price range is relatively cheap compared to other similar level but more famous dessert places.
Delightful dessert experience here! The desserts are really delicious. Absolutely recommend the tiramisu one. I think the price range is relatively cheap compared to other similar level but more famous dessert places.
友人肥黃最鐘意食甜品,晚飯後嚷著要食甜品,真的沒她辨法。順路經過一間班戟店,平時人龍不絶,今日居然只兩三個排隊,可能時間尚早,速速走去寫下名字排著等,不到十分鐘終於有位,太好了。 老薑班㦸 最初以為班㦸入面會帶有薑味,原來只是原味。質感好鬆有彈性,蛋味比較重,味道不會過甜。老薑是烤乾了的薑片,有點似薯片,脆卜卜,食落都幾辣。伴以豆腐雪糕,豆味香濃,滋味!還有薑茶一杯,濃而不辣,正好今晚季候風到,暖胃驅寒。
呢度嘅soufflé pancake價錢平過日本過江龍嘅cafe一大截 無論排隊等位定係落order等嘢食都好都唔超過10分鐘 一坐低叫咗兩個pancake等左5分鐘都冇就黎齊曬😍😍 味道蛋香份量等等都絕對比得上其他cafe😭😍