Celine Law
早已聽聞呢到出名"媽媽豬扒",特別有"媽媽"嘅味道。咪一心嚟食個豬扒麵,配上熱奶茶。 點知落單時,阿姐問要咩麵。原來呢到有福麵同丁麵2種選擇,我揀咗丁麵。 睇落豬扒份量頗多,雖然碎上,但應該唔止一塊咁少。 快速叉一塊豬扒試試,睇吓有冇媽媽味道。 豬扒薄身,有點粗鞋,無乜肉汁,完成係一般嘅感覺。點解有人話係"媽媽豬扒"o架! 但係以$26呢個價錢,咁又覺得佢係實惠,份量多,而且菜唔係話俾一塊咁少,都有3塊 . #traveltobkk
Hong Kong Style
早已聽聞呢到出名"媽媽豬扒",特別有"媽媽"嘅味道。咪一心嚟食個豬扒麵,配上熱奶茶。 點知落單時,阿姐問要咩麵。原來呢到有福麵同丁麵2種選擇,我揀咗丁麵。 睇落豬扒份量頗多,雖然碎上,但應該唔止一塊咁少。 快速叉一塊豬扒試試,睇吓有冇媽媽味道。 豬扒薄身,有點粗鞋,無乜肉汁,完成係一般嘅感覺。點解有人話係"媽媽豬扒"o架! 但係以$26呢個價錢,咁又覺得佢係實惠,份量多,而且菜唔係話俾一塊咁少,都有3塊 . #traveltobkk
Came across this old style of chaan chan tang which nested in an unobtrusive inner street of hung hom while I was strolling this area, didn't expect this bowl of pork chop noodles was absolutely tasty, the texture of pork chop was incredibly tender and the pork chop was made to order via pan fried, as a result, the temperature of the pork chop still maintained pretty warm when they served with noodles(福麵). Last, but not the least, I have added an extra filling of cuttlefish(章魚餅)which was on a secret menu and the texture was bouncy too 😋. Definitely will be back to get the pork chop egg sandwich which was recommend by staff when I was about to leave.