
日式燒肉, 中菜


星期一至日: 11:00-23:00; 大年初一至三:休息
Visa, Master, AmericanExpress, JCB



Strawberry Wong

鏞記 鏞記燒鵝遠近馳名,平日到訪吃燒味飯所費不菲。即使外賣嘅燒味雙拚飯索價也索價$110。適逢近日是他們75周年紀念,任何燒味雙拼飯特價$75,仲有例湯送!由12:00供應至2:00pm, 供應期有限,一於試試看。 既然燒鵝咁出名,當然要點燒鵝,再選拼叉燒,一於要叉燒燒鵝飯$75 例湯真是喜出望外,本以為是平平無奇的例湯,一嚐之下,滿有老火湯的味道,味鮮而且唔肥膩,感覺滋潤。 這個燒味飯十分環保,是以紙盒盛裝。燒味放一邊,而白飯則放另一邊。燒味的份量唔少。燒鵝是由全港唯一市區的大型炭爐燒製,所以燒鵝皮帶一點點的炭火香,而肉質嫩口,稍稍帶點嚼勁。最正是啖啖肉,骨唔多。燒鵝一口一件,而且皮下沒有多餘的脂肪,再沾上他們自家製的酸梅醬,酸酸甜甜的,雖不致難忘,但味道幾ok. 相對在餐廳堂吃的燒鵝,少了鵝汁的濕潤同香味。叉焼雖然無燶邊,但肥瘦得宜,滿有肉香和脂香。然而白飯的汁唔多,感覺健康。以連鎖快餐店的燒鵝飯也定價$85/$90, 而今日的雙拚燒味飯連例湯只是$75,在中環區可算抵吃!

Kelvin Ho

鏞記酒家 Yung Kee has an illustrious history in Hong Kong and helped to define Cantonese Cuisine in South China region. Nowadays due to family freuds, it has split up into a few restaurants run by relatives. Although it lost its Michelin 1 Star status to Kam's Roast Goose - as mentioned previously no other kitchen in HK before or after will churn out Amazing and unique dishes like here before. This is a restaurant that you have to Dine with a regular at least once in your life ordering proper historical dishes, before you die... don't just concentrate on the Roast Goose and the Century Year Old Eggs, which are still fine. Their Wonton Noodles is actually probably the Best in Hong Kong as well. Score: ★★★ 1/2 to ★★★★★