John Choy Cafe. 2015


星期一至日: 08:30-20:00



Aida Lee

你聽過虹吸式咖啡未呀,如果想試下,不妨嚟呢間John Choy Cafe享受一下這種特別沖調方法。這裡淨係咖啡品種已經有大約35款,相信是最多品種的一間。 因為有太多選擇,我們各人叫咗自己鍾意的味道,仲加埋要係手打奶泡咖啡呢。 咖啡分別係耶加雪菲,埃塞我比吉瑪和東帝汶阿拉比托 ,三杯都各有特色,我最喜愛耶加雪菲,因為很有重果香味,屬於中度咖啡,不是太酸,正!而且仲可以係果度買咖啡豆,自己回家隨時沖番杯嚟享受! #10月活動B

Dessert Muimui

Strolling along this old neighborhood where there are a number of little food stalls which I find it interesting to explore, this little coffee shop serves simple chaan Cheng tang food and decent coffees. Opt for their signature toasted sandwich filled with spam and scrambled eggs, as it is made upon order, tastes very fresh indeed and love the smooth runny texture of the scrambled egg. Also, more varieties of hand drip coffee you will find here which is lot more than normal coffee shops. Last, but not the least, the service is very slow and quite lousy as well.