Stockton Bar and Restaurant

Mon-Sun: 18:00-00:00
G/F., 32 Wyndham St., Central




超正嘅hidden bar🍸! (Asia's top8 best bar) 唔係朋友帶路真係幾難揾到個入口🚪。裡面嘅擺設走復古風🏺,好多都係外國運嚟嘅古董,而其中令我最印象深刻嘅係其中一格廁所🚽 去過嘅就會知點解🙈 呢度嘅cocktail款式多味道廣🍹,喜歡偏fruity清新口味嘅我揀咗呢杯Fizzy Rascal,以Martell Cognac, Falernum, Mint, Lime, Absinthe, Strawberry, Champagne調製,酒味不太重果然合我心意。 完全無諗喺一間bar入面會有咁好食嘅甜品🤤 對於呢個Sticky Toffee Pudding真係無抵抗能力❤️ 温暖又濕潤嘅蛋糕外淋上拖肥焦糖醬,焦糖帶點鹹味所以唔會死甜,拌上雲呢拿雪糕一冷一暖令人不住一口接一口。朋友明明話唔鐘意食甜野,但係卻食到最後一口不剩!🤡

Phyllis Chow

Get a feel of the old London in Central's hidden bar on Wyndham Street. Stockton's unique concept on cocktails made the whole experience more interesting - each cocktail is inspired by legendary writers, where the influence of alcohol on their artworks are explored. The cocktails are creative with sophisticated flavours. This cocktail is a rum/ whiskey/ sherry blend with a cocoa oil coated ice cube that doesn't melt! You could enjoy your drink slowly and no worries, it'll be kept cool. Carrot cake, deconstructed. Everyone knows the best part of carrot cake is the cream cheese, and there's never enough cream cheese in the standard version. This deconstructed carrot cake has a massive blob of cream cheese in the middle, and on top of that, there's cinnamon ice cream! Can't believe I could find such scrumptious delights in a bar! p.s. Remember to visit the special bathroom before you leave