Butao Ramen (Central)

ราเมง, อาหารญี่ปุ่น

Mon - Sun 11:00 - 23:00
69 Wellington Street, Central



swallowhongkong (Ka Lam Cheung)

#豚王 (中環) 中環威靈頓街69號 ----- 限定王($98)B仔一向係豚王ge忠實粉絲 食左咁多年都唔厭ge其中一個原因係佢會定期出唔同口味ge限定王 好有新意 次次都為食客帶黎新鮮感(當然有時新野會係伏黎😂)而呢期ge限定王就係番茄🍅口味 番茄口味湯底並非全茄 而係用傳統豬骨湯加入番茄湯 番茄蓉 洋蔥粒等調製而成 湯底茄味濃郁 酸酸甜甜 中和左豬骨湯底ge油膩感 幾開胃 加埋洋蔥粒 口味有d西化 有少少似食緊西式番茄洋蔥湯拉麵 新奇得黎亦幾好味 算係一個成功ge fusion拉麵 而豬肩肉就保持一貫水準 大大塊 軟腍且肉味濃 非常高質😄整體很不錯 今次ge限定王無中伏😄~會想再返黎食多次 ----- 👶🏻B仔整體評價:8.5/10個👍🏻 👶🏻B仔抵食程度:7/10個👍🏻 👶🏻B仔環境評分:7.5/10個👍🏻 (中環分店相對其他分店無咁好坐~) 👶🏻B仔味道評分:8.5/10個👍🏻 👶🏻B仔回頭機會:8.5/10個👍🏻 ----- #swallowhongkong 跟住我一齊吞食香港啦!🤤 #swallowcentral #traveltobkk

Twinks Tachibana

Lots of people were queuing up during the lunch hour. But the service was very good!! The food came fast and all waiters were really nice. We ordered the black squid ramen with level 7 spiciness and the 翠丸which is the cheesy olive oil soup based ramen. Also with level 7 spiciness. I love very thick soups so i chose all the extreme options such as hardest noodle with the most sauce and oil etc. The quality is the same as the cwb shop and it was really up to my taste!!! Each ramen was 96 dollars and the dumplings were 25 dollars. I would say the dumplings could be more crispy but they were. Definitely come back again #2018秋