Myrilla Li
labmade結業簡直係一個時代的結束 我會記住你風光嘅時候㗎! 其實labmade雪糕真係幾好食 不過溶得快 同埋細細個球頗貴😭
labmade結業簡直係一個時代的結束 我會記住你風光嘅時候㗎! 其實labmade雪糕真係幾好食 不過溶得快 同埋細細個球頗貴😭
Probably the last run before they close down for good :( this is a place full of childhood memories since they have opened for so long now and it was such a hype when they first opened. Please drop by and show them your support before 8/31!!!!!
分子雪糕 - 士多啤梨意大利陳醋,酸酸地,有d似raspberry,另一款係紫米露,好好食,好有咬口🍦🍨