Give Meow A Break


Shop 201, 2/F, Sun Wise Building, 112-114 Wellington Street, Central



Eunice Ho

很小的咖啡店,但所有食物及飲品都是店主放入最大的心思去研製,以下就是今次我們嚐到的超群手藝:👍🏻 ・ 首先是櫻花酒cheesecake,哇好好濃的和酒味,質感都非常好,一口一口完全停不下來呀~因為很少有帶酒味的芝士餅,真的很特別呀~🌸 ・ 然後是巨峰提子乾scone,提子乾是日本直送喔~不過scone本體好像有點實的感覺,不過!個牛油!2萬個推薦!佢係同咖啡豆一齊煮出黎既牛油,經過熱煮後可以話少之又少,所以特別珍貴,而且!好!好!味!就咁食啲牛油都可以自己食一兜🍇 ・ 店主超用心der嚴選咖啡豆,做成極濃味的hand drip coffee水玄餅,滑到撈唔起,要成舊「飲」!😂溫馨提示:無飲開咖啡既人可能會頂唔順,吃一口好了~ ・ 估唔到黑松露同咖啡可以咁夾,飲落去第一下係黑松露香,慢慢咖啡味先係後續湧出,所有香氣留在口控入面開Party,Amazing!!仲有你睇下,佢個標準latte杯係木架!勁稀有勁靚!店主真係好有心思呀~👍🏻

Andrew Tang

--都話小店係要支持但請留番個位比我系列--. . . Usually don't go to the same place more than two times but I have been here for more than 4 times :))). Love the owners here and every time they have something new! It's a shame that not many know about them! The creme de la creme was the BUTTER. The butter was made out of coffee beans. Can imagine how many coffee beans they need to use to make this! 🙊it's so good that I ate the butter by itself. The Sakura /sake cheese cake is equally good - just by its name you know it's something creative!!! They only have around 9 seats. Definitely a small but worth going cafe!!! :D around HKD 100 per person (with drinks!) . . ============= 📍Give Meow A Break (Central) Shop 201, 2/F, Sun Wise Building, 112-114 Wellington Street, Central =============