Pho Hoi An

อาหารเวียดนาม, เมนูเส้น

Mon.-Sun. 11:00-23:00
Visa, Master
Shop 303, 3/F, iSquare, 63 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui



Chan Wan Yu

#cassiegotst - 今日瘦編同朋友去尖沙咀行街,我地揀左去iSquare國際廣場搵食,因為覺得裏面多選擇,大家覺唔覺呢?因為想食清淡啲,我地最後揀左依間越南菜。🙆🏻‍♀️ - 我地叫左一個二人套餐,裏面包括有一個小食拼盤(越南春卷、牛肉蝦片、香煎扎肉等)、蒜蓉包、炸小龍蝦、清煮小白菜、兩碗自選湯麵(我地揀左生牛肉湯河同豬頸肉撈㩚)。印象中記得成個套餐大約$400幾左右,我自己覺得越南菜算係比較貴。🤔 - 整體黎講,味道都算唔錯,達到正常越南菜嘅水平,但係就無乜邊道菜好深刻。不過飲品方面,加左$10點左個熱蓮子薏米就幾鐘意,無咁甜就仲好,翻屋企想自己試下煲。🙈 - 味道評分▶️🌕🌕🌕🌗🌑 (3.5) 抵食評分▶️️🌕🌕🌗🌑🌑 (2.5) 回購評分▶️️️🌕🌕🌗🌑🌑 (2.5) - ➡️Pho Hoi An (尖沙咀) 📍尖沙咀彌敦道63號iSQUARE國際廣場3樓303號舖 - IG: cassiecwy/ cassiegetfat

Strawberry Wong

Today we went to isquare for lunch. In isquare, there are lots of choices, while there is only one option for Vietnamese. This restaurant is located at 3F. The environment is rather cozy and bright. And most importantly, since the restaurants is in medium/ large size, it will be easier to find seats during lunch peak hours. They got Wide ranges of set lunch , with 24 options, ranges from$66-$80. Each set includes main, snacks and drink. The snack We had chosen are Toaster pepper pork and stewed turnip. Toaster pepper pork is quite tasty. It got nice crispy sausage skin, and the meat is fatty and juicy. Stewed turnip with beef broth is the healthy option of the snack. The turnip is boiled soft, however, it is a bit tasteless. Pho with beef combo$78 This pho with beef combo got lots of different beef, including raw beef, sliced beef brisket, beef tripe, beef soft tendon and beef Ball. All the ingredients are not super tender, but tastes quite ok, and the portion is generous. It really fits for beef lovers, it is one for all. Raw beef and beef meat Ball with rice noodle $70 I ordered this Noodle because it is less calories dense. The raw beef is rather tender, and the meat Ball is quite bouncy and juicy. The soup is very clear and light, with a bit of beef bone flavor, it is mild and non oily. It goes pretty good with the rice noodle. To sum up, the pho is quite ok and it is reasonably priced. I might come sometimes for easy quick lunches. #2018聖誕