Thai Master Restaurant & Bar

อาหารไทย, อาหารฟิวชั่น

Visa, Master
Level 4, Zhongda Building, 38-40 Haiphong Road, Tsim Sha Tsui



Strawberry Wong

呢間泰國菜長期都滿座,因為性價比幾高,份量十足,味道又唔錯。 午餐嘅選擇唔少,而且大概都係七70至80,以尖沙咀嚟講都幾相宜。 海南雞飯$72 呢個海南雞飯份量十足,而且雞已經去骨,雞皮相當嫩滑,雞皮下有冇太多嘅脂肪,有部份係雞腿部份,亦有部份雞胸,但雞肉完全唔乾,而且有少少肉汁,加上泰式辣醬,和略帶雞湯甜味嘅黃薑飯,味道不錯。 牛肉船麵$80 這個船麵份量十足牛肉唔算係最柔軟,但味道OK;肉丸好彈牙,有肉味,但係比較迷你;加上炸豬皮等等,再加上充滿牛骨湯嘅湯底,味道香濃,唔錯。 奶茶 呢度嘅奶茶茶幾香滑,用嘅係煉奶,又有茶味,有少少似港式嘅茶走。

Strawberry Wong

有朋自遠方來,而且還有一個BB小朋友。要找一家坐得舒適又唔貴,而且又接受BB的泰菜餐廳一點也不易。在半露天的枱座,加上風的一點涼意,感覺舒適。 由於我們一行三人點了幾道菜share. 炸軟殼蟹沙律 這炸軟殼蟹炸得香脆鬆軟,而且唔會好油膩。柚子沙律味道清甜,口感清爽,加上一點點的炸蒜和香脆的軟殼蟹,清新又可口。 飛天通菜 這通菜炒得幾嫩,鑊氣十足,既有馬拉盞風味,又帶點豆醬的味道, 而當中還有一點點辣,認真惹味。 泰嫩海南雞 這海南雞已經去骨,味道不錯,無論雞腿或雞胸的部分都嫩滑軟稔。雞皮下沒有太多的皮下脂肪,沾上泰式辣醬,味道不錯。 小食拼盤 這拚盤有香葉雞中翼、魚餅、蝦餅、春卷等。雞中翼是單骨的,炸得皮脆肉嫩;魚餅和蝦餅都炸得乾身,口感彈牙而結實。其中蝦餅的蝦味濃郁,幾好吃!春卷就普普通通,不過也不失。 Pad Thai 炒得幾乾身,雖然河粉無乜配料,但味道甜甜酸酸,幾可口。

Strawberry Wong

Today Is blue Monday, I don’t border think too much about what to eat, so I went the usual place that I go - Thai Master at Tsim Sha Tsui. Though I had come for a few times , but their menu had changed. Certainly the number of choices remains unchanged and added a few new items, but the price went up a bit for sure. They got nineteen choices of lunch sets, ranges from Thai boat noodles, fried rice to curry, all set to be $65-$88 including drink. And there are additional options that you can add $18 for snacks or $12 for sweets. Today I encore their famous Hoi Nam chicken rice $65 Their Hoi nam chicken rice seems different from last time that I ordered. The chicken are not so tender at all, they taste like boiled plain chicken without much flavor. The chicken meat is no longer smooth and juicy, but it is not too rough. Even with the aid of the sauce, I can only considered it to be ok but not really tasty at all. But The rice is quite ok. The milk tea is Thai style milk tea, it tastes a bit sweet because it is made of condensed milk. Overall, it is ok but I lose the motivation to go so often as before. #2019復活節