


Sun. & Public Holiday: Closed
Visa, Master, AmericanExpress
Room D, 3/F, Prosperous Commercial Building, 54 Jardine's Bazaar, Causeway Bay




Hidden gem in the city! 香港都食到好食正宗嘅炸串😍 謝謝 朋友同我嚟呢度慶祝生日,呢間位於銅鑼灣由日本人打理嘅小店驚喜滿滿🇯🇵,不但用料新鮮,炸粉薄而鬆脆,食落一啲都唔油膩。 其中最喜歡炸帶子三文魚籽串😋 帶子肉厚又鮮味,重點係上面嘅蛋沙律混入咗日本甜甜的醃蘿蔔,配搭新穎之餘亦非常美味!加上三文魚籽令味道賣相都更豐富,真的超讚! 除咗帶子三文魚籽炸串,其實每一樣都好好食重會有一啲特別嘅時令食材,例如白子🐟

Sienna Kim

Causeway, a kushiage, deep fried skewers, restaurant. There are counter and small table seating. The price point is pretty reasonable. You can choose to order a course meal or a la carte. I think this is a great place to come with your friends or coworkers after work. The deep fried skewers were prepared by a Hong Kong chef, didn't look like he had any special technique to prepare them, but nonetheless it tasted great. I ate what was placed in front of me, without much explanation so each time I bit into one, I wondered what I was eating. I wanted to ask the Hong Kong chef but he looked too busy to be bothered. I forgot to mention about the hand towels. They handed me a hot hand towel to clean my hands at the beginning but I'm not sure if it was because the towel was old, but it left little scraplings on my hands. They gave me a new towel but still the same. Overall the restaurant was really clean and if you're looking for a place to just stop by for a quick drink and bite, this place is worth to check out!