Spicy Spirit

Hot pot, Taiwanese

25/F, Soundwill Plaza 2 - Midtown, 1-29 Tang Lung Street, Causeway Bay



Sherlock Eden

麻神 Spicy Spirit 湯底,不麻,也不辣,帶有輕輕的藥材味 以麻辣火鍋作招徠,湯底不麻不辣,實在是說不過去,向店員查詢過,是可以加辣的 加辣的意思,是加辣,而並非加麻辣 這樣只有辣味的麻辣火鍋,是没有意思的 幸而,食材相當不俗 牛肉羊肉,口感相當不錯,肉質鮮嫩 牛栢葉,在炎炎夏日天仍然爽脆彈牙,實屬相當難得 雲吞,十分出色,蝦與肉的比例恰當,咬下去時既有蝦的彈牙,亦有肉的咬口 響鈴,沾湯一秒即可入口,是可口的,但略嫌豆味不足 鴨血,不明白為什麼要收費,理應免費無限添加 總體來說,湯底不足,食材出色

Andrew Tang

--我需要多啲食辣嘅朋友仔系列--. . . 2nd time coming back here - we were WHOLEHEARTEDLY welcomed by a waitress called Catherine. LOVE her lol - she can totally be a comedian 🤣 (those that you would see in Stephen chow’s movies lol). Basically free 🍷corkage package for us :p the 🦆duck blood jelly was in no doubt my favorite but i found that their braised foie gras (flavorful!) + braised 🐽pig intestines (THE BOUNCY TEXTURE) were SUPERB too. AND I HIGHLY RECOMMEND the US PRIME 🐄SHORT RIB - the waitress / waiter will come over and demonstrate the three different ways of DEVOURING this high quality beef (with spicy sauce, with the soup, and with the garlic) . I’m drooling already. HKD 388 for the beef (300g). BTW they are going to introduce lunch in late May! . . ============= 📍Spicy Spirit (Causeway Bay) 25/F, Soundwill Plaza 2 - Midtown, 1-29 Tang Lung Street, Causeway Bay =============


台灣過江龍麻神麻辣火鍋🍲🌶 前兩日約咗一大班朋友,你呢度食開年飯。一坐低睇到菜單真係有啲嚇親,因為呢度嘅湯底唔係續鍋計,而係人頭計,所以基本上如果多人,一坐低已經成$1000落樓啦! 因為湯底咁貴,所以我哋叫火鍋配料嘅時候都就住就住叫,唔算叫得好多嘢食。食完第一輪,即刻不斷encore ,因為又真係好好食喎。 鴛鴦鍋底有麻辣同埋普通清湯,馬辣湯底辣喺口唔辣喺喉嚨,辣到其實亦唔高,佢聲稱係用水果去烹調嘅,所以味精感唔重。清湯就係昆布堅魚湯,味道真係幾淡,我就唔係好啱啦,不過有同行朋友唔食辣,所以我哋都係叫咗呢個鴛鴦湯底。 火鍋配料方面,雜錦丸拼盤,菜拼盤、餃拼盤呢啲都非常一般,最有驚喜係響鈴、鴨血果凍,同埋牛肉。馬勒湯底本身每人有一件鴨血,如果想再食,就要再俾錢加了,相比其他傳統台式麻辣火鍋店,人哋係免費任加架!不過真係好好食,所以唯有俾錢。另外我哋叫咗烏冬,索價$62個,叫兩個已經120幾蚊,超級貴哦! 整體來說味道其實係好食,但部份收費令人側目。