龍鳳店, Yuen Long


Shop 3B, G/F, Kam Wing Mansion, 66 Shui Che Kwun Street, Yuen Long



Kennis Leung

之前睇FB推介見到龍鳳鰻魚蛋治,見到相真係流晒口水忍唔住去食﹗ 老細係即場去整個鰻魚蛋治,所以要預左時間去等,記得都等左都差唔多10分鐘有多。現場得一張枱,坐得好逼。 送到上黎個陣個賣相好靚,雞蛋入面包住麵包同埋鰻魚,仲撒左少少紫菜碎係上面,打卡呃like一流﹗ 吃起來口感幾特別,雞蛋好嫰滑。鰻魚一定就唔係無骨也不腥,嫰滑既蛋加埋少少鰻魚,味道岩岩好。 未食過既人可以一試,係幾特別既。但等得太耐同埋坐得好逼,加上價錢唔算平,所以未必有下次。 #2019情人節

Vinci To

《龍鳳店》#食在元朗 📍元朗水車館街66號錦榮大廈地下3B號舖 【邪惡爆蛋瀑布三文治】 新正頭拜左幾日年,終於可以自己出黎行下搵食。突然醒起有間bookmark左好耐既小店,一於去睇下開巿未😂係水車館街人流較少,但都算易搵。堂食座位只有數個,想坐低食就要講下運氣喇,另外都有外帶服務。 🔸蟹膏蛋治 $58 炒滑蛋蓋過整份三文治,上面仲有蟹籽、和式木魚碎同紫菜,未食都聞到好香。滑蛋好嫩好滑,切開後餡料都好豐富!有勁多帝皇蟹柳,仲好香蟹膏味👍🏻三文治講真夾埋一齊就唔多食到,不過啖啖滑蛋加蟹柳口感都好正!可Encore😋 *另有多款樽裝奶茶,下次可以一試😎

Fatty_Couple (Twinkle Poon)

蟹膏蛋治🥪 Egg Sandwich with Crab Paste🦀 💰HKD 58 - 龍鳳鰻魚飯🍱Grilled Eel with Rice 💰HKD 85 - 👦🏽帶咗👧🏻去遙遠嘅元朗揾食😋 去咗一間出名食蛋治嘅鋪頭,小店面積較細,裡面只放到一張枱坐四個人,店鋪外面放到枱同幾張櫈😂餐牌放哂係牆上,有各種花款嘅蛋治,例如巴馬火腿蛋治、皮蛋肉鬆蛋治、鏝魚蛋治同鵝肝蛋治等等。 👧🏻簡咗個蟹膏蛋治,有驚喜😍龍鳳店蛋治特別嘅地方在於佢嘅麵包同蛋嘅位置調轉放,兩塊壓平咗嘅白麵包同餡料放係裡面,而炒蛋就覆蓋係外面。😆見到有層厚厚嘅蟹籽放係炒蛋上面,表面灑咗一層拌飯素令炒蛋有更豐富嘅口感,餡料有好多蟹柳棒,而主角蟹膏就均勻咁查咗係兩塊麵包度,食落好香濃👍🏻飽肚感十足!🤤 👦🏽就簡咗個一人前嘅鰻魚飯!感覺比較遜色🤔。肥厚嘅鰻魚尾配日式甜醬油拌飯同一隻太陽蛋🌞鰻魚都幾好食,用焗爐焗到表面微脆,肉質都幾甜,但個飯就比較淋同濕,食落嘅口感唔太好,👧🏻覺得粒粒分明嘅飯撈埋醬油係個比較好嘅組合😋 - Unlike the ordinary egg sandwich in Hong Kong, they make another version of sandwich with the scrambled eggs on top, and the fillings and bread inside😂🙃. The eggs are whisked to perfection to create a smooth scrambled egg while maintaining a rich flavour.🤤 Deliciously creamy and runny when you bite into it and paired with thin sliced bread and the incredible crab paste in between, the sandwich was made for a pretty filling dish.😋 Grilled Eel with Rice was not as good as we expected😢. It consisted of a steamed Japanese rice mixed with sweet soy sauce, a sunny-side-up egg, and a grilled and thick eel fillet that was glazed with a sweetened soy sauce. It was slightly caramelised. Nonetheless, the rice was pretty soggy and the texture was not as appealing.🙁 - #fatty_couple #2018秋 - Please follow #fatty_couple on instagram for more food and beverage reviews