The Chairman Restaurant

อาหารกว่างตง, อาหารจีน, อาหารทะเล

G/F, 18 Kau U Fong, Central



Andrew Tang

--2017回顧系列--. . . Probably the last post of 2017!! Gosh how come 2017 went by so quickly and I still achieved like nth. Really appreciate all of you who are still reading my ranting on (not always ranting lol) all the 🍴restos I went (esp I am not a qualified food critic :p). I felt blessed that I actually get to know this group of foodie 👥friends who EAT and LAUGH with me 😌🤓. Let’s mark the end of my 2017 with one of the best dishes I had this year - steamed fresh flowery 🦀crab with shaoxing 🍾wine and flat noodles. Ok to be fair - this dish alone is really better than tasting court (esp the flat noodles - not as thick so taking in the 🐔chicken oil and wine better). If you are craving for this dish, you know where to get your fix! HAPPY 2018 everyone. MAY we continue to explore our food journey together 🔥. . . ============= 📍The Chairman (Central) G/F, 18 Kau U Fong, Central =============

Simon Mak

一家很有口碑的高級粵菜,今晚剛好約了幾位好友飯聚就一於嚟試吓啦!我們點了餐廳的$598的set dinner 菜式相當吸引,主菜我地選了這裡的招牌雞油花雕蒸花蟹配陳村粉,每位要加多$78。好啦講翻菜式,前菜有香炸羊菌菇,酥脆可口,龍井菊花煙燻乳鴿同埋九層塔辣椒膏炒蜆,好喜歡炒蜆的辣椒汁,香濃惹味但係又沒有蓋過蜆的鮮甜。主菜有慢煮香葱焗雞,蟹同埋話梅肉桂糖醋排骨,作為招牌菜的花雕雞油蒸花蟹真係好好味,超大隻的花蟹肉質紮實鮮甜,加上雞油同埋花雕酒,真係清甜中有點油潤酒香,相當誘人,而不比蟹肉遜色的就係看似配角的陳村粉,其實可能先係主角,吸收了湯汁的精華後不一會就給清得一乾二淨!整體水準相當高的一頓晚餐,服務也到位,所以一定會回來試吓餐廳的其他的名菜,好似大班十八味雞,香煎百花雞,蟹肉糯米飯,充滿期待!